• Ken Cavallero

The Salvation Army Responds to Waldo Canyon Fire

Colorado Springs, CO (June 24, 2012) - In response to the Waldo Canyon Fire in Colorado Springs on June 23, 2012, The Salvation Army is assessing the needs of disaster survivors and The Salvation Army’s ability to respond to those needs – both immediately and for the longer term.

At the Cheyenne Mountain High School evacuee shelter, The Salvation Army’s local Emergency Disaster Services (EDS) unit is providing for survivors’ immediate needs, such as food, water, comfort, and counseling. At this time, The Salvation Army is preparing breakfast for 250 evacuees.

An appeal is being made for financial assistance to fund the relief work in Colorado Springs.  Those who wish to support The Salvation Army’s disaster response may do so by sending a check earmarked “Disaster Relief” to their local Salvation Army office, or by donating online at www.imsalvationarmy.org, or by making a credit card donation at 1-800-SAL-ARMY. 
