• Thad Hicks

Emergency Services Personnel Receive Polaris ATV/ULV Training

Jackson, MS (January 21, 2014) – After the events of Moore, Oklahoma last year, The Salvation Army received a gift from the Polaris Company of ten ATV-ULV’s for use during a natural or man-made disaster.  The terrain during many disaster events is rough and often impassable.  If The Salvation Army wants to serve it needs to find a way to get into areas negatively affected by storms and disasters.  The Polaris units donated were created for just this sort of thing, and uniquely designed to operate through areas that would otherwise be closed off to response and relief groups.

Representatives from The Salvations Army’s Emergency Disaster Service departments from seven states were in Jackson, MS last week to participate in a training program designed for the US Military, who also use these types of units.  The disaster personnel from The Salvation Army spent the week training and learning all about the machines.  The training was designed to let the rider know what the units could do, while still operating safely an effectively. Those participating in the class all qualify to become trainers themselves, taking this very valuable information back to their home communities.  According to Ken Freeman, Logistics Coordinator for the Alabama-Louisiana-Mississippi Division stated, “We tore these things apart, and learned how to put them back together.  If you are trying to do relief work on rugged terrain, this is what you need”

For more information on The Salvation Army’s Disaster work, check out the EDS website at: http://disaster.salvationarmyusa.org/
