• John Zanders

The Salvation Army Partnered with National Guard to Serve Stranded Motorists Around the Downtown Connector

 (Atlanta, GA- January 30, 2014) With thousands of motorists stranded in metro Atlanta on Thursday, January 29th, The Salvation Army partnered with the National Guard to distribute warm meals and hot coffee to those gridlocked along Atlanta interstates.

In response to the dangerous conditions, Salvation Army canteens were dispatched along the downtown connector to offer relief in the form of food and prayer. The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center in downtown Atlanta prepared homemade chili for motorists who were stuck in their cars for up to 24 hours.

The Salvation Army served 250 warm meals, gave 193 hot cups of coffee and provided over 20 snacks to motorists along the Atlanta downtown connector.

“Motorists were trapped along Atlanta interstates for 10, 16, 20 hours without food or restrooms,” says Metro Atlanta Area Commander Major Todd Hawks. “Our goal was to simply bring comfort and compassion to our neighbors in this unfortunate situation.”

The Salvation Army in metro Atlanta continues to offer emergency shelter to homeless individuals and families seeking refuge from the cold. The Red Shield shelter located at 400 Luckie Street in downtown Atlanta has 324 beds in its overnight shelter and provided 90 additional mats for individuals and families needing shelter during this winter storm. When temperatures drop below 40 degrees The Salvation Army opens its emergency cold weather program to anyone who needs a warm place to sleep.

For more information, go to www.salvationarmyatlanta.org. Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/thesalvationarmymetro atlanta or follow us on Twitter @SalvationArmyA

Written and Submitted by Tamara Stinson, Director of Communications, Metro Atlanta Area Command.


