• Thad Hicks

The Salvation Army Responds with Tornado Relief to Covington County, MS

Covington County, MS (April 7, 2014) – The Salvation Army responded to a request for support Monday after an early morning tornado tore across Mississippi.

The Hattiesburg, MS Salvation Army responded with their mobile feeding canteen to an area just outside of Collins, MS Monday after an F2 tornado ripped across the region.  Salvation Army representatives served hot meals, coffee, and cold drinks to roughly 150 victims, first responders and utility crews.  Time after time, in the midst of total devastation, individuals are drawn to The Salvation Army for their great food; warm coffee, encouraging words, and smiles. 

Captain Andrew Gilliam, The Salvation Army representative in the area, noted that this region of the state is often "hit very hard by springtime storms.”  He added, “While the area is reeling from the event, the community within this part of the state is strong and individuals unaffected by the storm are already coming out to help their neighbors.” 

The Salvation Army has been serving the needs of others since 1865, and shows no sign of letting up.  Captain Gilliam advised, “We stay until the needs are met.”

The Salvation Army stands ready to help anyone, in any way they can during a disaster or emergency event.  For more information on The Salvation Army’s Emergency Disaster Services work, and how you might be able to help, please go to www.disaster.salvationarmyusa.org.
