• Karla Tejada

Massive Drought Affects Thousands in Eastern Puerto Rico

The people of Puerto Rico have been suffering from the massive drought that has struck areas throughout the eastern portion of the island. For the past few weeks, The Salvation Army’s response team and volunteers from Emergency Management have been on site visiting homes and distributing boxes (3 gallons per box) of fresh water.

Miguel Rivera, PR/VI’s Emergency Disaster Services Director states, “On Wednesday, we visited 40 homes where mainly senior citizens and individuals with special needs resided. We went from home to home. We then visited a nursing care facility and distributed one box of water to each individual. There are 98 people receiving services in this nursing home. They arrive in the morning have breakfast, participate in some art and crafts, close their day  with lunch, and then go home. Their vulnerability and general lack of resources made them excellent candidates for our initial distribution efforts. The Salvation Army water distribution is an ongoing effort, as we expect to serve thousands of those who are suffering from the drought.”

Volunteers and first responders will continue the distribution for as long as it takes. We will continue to support those who depend on us in their time of need.
