• Sydney Fong

Meals Assistance Continues for Those Affected by Oroville Dam Erosion

SACRAMENTO, CA—The Salvation Army currently has teams at three different evacuation centers to serve meals to residents that have been affected by the Oroville Dam erosion.  

The Salvation Army is now assisting at the Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley, the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds in Chico and the Placer County Fairgrounds in Roseville. An additional team is assisting the scene at Butte College (Oroville) with meal service to first responders.

Local Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services management has already planned for the meal service to extend at least through Wednesday night, but staff will continue to assess if further assistance will be needed for the remainder of the week and for the foreseeable future.

Through Monday night, nearly 5,000 meals have been served to evacuees and first responders.

Donation Information
Monetary donations are only needed at this time.  The Salvation Army uses 100% of disaster donations in support of local disaster relief operations.
Give Online by visiting www.gosalarmy.org
by Phone: l 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769) and designate “Oroville Response”.
by Mail: Donations by mail may be designated “Oroville Response” and sent to:
The Salvation Army
PO Box 348000
Sacramento, CA 95834

In-kind donations are not currently being accepted outside the disaster area.  However, these gifts are vitally important to your local Salvation Army. To give items locally, visit www.SATruck.com or call 1-800-SA-TRUCK.