• Shelley Henderson

I Saw The Salvation Army and I Knew You Would Listen: Finding Hope After Irma

Middleburg, FL (September 16, 2017)—A car drove into the parking lot at the Middleburg Library where The Salvation Army canteen from Goldsboro, N.C. was parked. A frail woman got out and motioned Salvation Army volunteer Dan Boyette over to her car.

“I don’t need any food. I just need someone to talk to,” she told Dan. “I saw The Salvation Army and I knew you would listen.”

She explained to Dan that a few months ago she was diagnosed with cancer. She had a tracheostomy procedure last week and said she was still getting used to it.

“Yesterday my doctor told me that the cancer has moved into my stomach. I have 6-8 months to live. You are the first person that I have told,” she said to Dan as she cried. 

Dan prayed with the woman, who held his hands tight. They talked for another 20 minutes.

“My husband will not talk to me though we live in the same house. I have no one in the world. I am going to die alone,” she said.

Dan reassured her that God was with her and He loved her.

“I did everything in my mind and heart to assure her that God would be with her to the end. I wanted her to know that she was not alone,” he said.

The woman told Dan it was time for her to leave – she had taken enough of his time. He asked her to please come back tomorrow so they could talk and pray some more. Dan helped her to her car and before she left she hugged him and thanked him for being there for her.

“Please come back tomorrow,” he reminded her. “We will be here.”

God is always in the details, using His people to ease the suffering of others. Whether it is the tremendous suffering of disaster survivors or the silent suffering of a dying woman, He is there providing help and hope.

This story may not have a happy ending, but today, thanks to the generosity of people who care, a woman received comfort and care. To God be the Glory.

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