• Thad Hicks

Salvation Army ALM Division Hosts Multi-Division Train-the-Trainer Class

Jackson, MS (January 10, 2014) - Representatives from multiple Salvation Army divisions are gathering in Jackson MS this weekend.  The meeting is designed to train these representatives to become Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Service Trainers.   Individuals from Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama will spend Friday and Saturday in deep study as they learn how to properly teach The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services training course load. 

As the footprint of The Salvation Army continues to grow within the emergency and disaster management fields, an effective method for teaching others is imperative.  The Salvation Army is blessed with wonderful curriculum and the proper sharing of this material is vital.  The Salvation Army takes its work very seriously, and requires anyone who wants to train their disaster workers to go through a Train the Trainer course.  This course stresses current teaching techniques, as well as how to facilitate an effective learning environment.  In addition, the class actually requires everyone to “practice” their teaching.  No one leaves the course without showing the instructor that they have what it takes to carry these materials out into the field, and share them successfully.  ALM Divisional Disaster Director, Thad Hicks added, “Great instructors help create great students.  Research shows that an inspiring and informed instructor is one of the most important factors influencing success, so it is critical to pay close attention to those we have delivering our training.” 

The Salvation Army trains constantly.  For more information on the training program in your area, and for information on attending one of the classes check us out at: http://disaster.salvationarmyusa.org
