• Thad Hicks

Emergency Disaster Services Joins Community Group to Feed the Hungry

Jackson, MS (February 26, 2014) -The Salvation Army EDS Department along with the Jackson Area Coordinate partnered with an area nonprofit to serve food to Jackson Mississippi’s hungry and homeless.

Every Sunday afternoon, Why Not Now Ministries of Mississippi, joins area organizations and church groups to provide a meal to the most needy in the Jackson, MS area. While The Salvation Army already had a feeding program in place, one of The Salvation Army’s most faithful disaster volunteers, Tony Kumor brought an idea up to the EDS department.  Tony thought that this would be a good place to practice our food service along with helping those in need, and the EDS department agreed.

The Salvation Army’s Emergency Disaster Services are constantly looking to train and practice their unique feeding ministry, so situations where they can exercise their resources are priceless.  When the idea of using this practice time to serve the hungry of Jackson came up, it was an easy decision to make. 

The Salvation Army and Why Not Now of Mississippi worked for most of the afternoon this past Sunday serving 125 individuals.  Kumor stated that this number was up about 30 people from the previous week. 

The Salvation Army stands ready to assist all those in need during times of national disasters, and personal ones.
