• Jack Wang

The Salvation Army Response to the 2017 Spring Floods in Missouri

St. Louis, Mo.– The Salvation Army has been active throughout the Midland Division in response to the spring floods. Multiple Canteen operations are active throughout the division in the St. Louis area and southern Missouri (weather permitting) serving meals, snacks, drinks, cleanup kits, and the occasional Band-Aid. Multi-Agency Resource Centers (MARCs) will be setup in the coming days and weeks to provide financial assistance, cleanup kits, etc., for those affected by the floods.

Jeremy Koren, Seasonal Events Coordinator for The Salvation Army Quincy Area Command, is currently at The Salvation Army Area Command Center in St. Louis serving as the Planning Section Chief. An Area Command Center was established to support the multiple flood-related incidents throughout the Midland Division.

To support The Salvation Army's flood relief efforts across Missouri and Southern Illinois, please text FLOODHELP to 41444.

For the latest emergency disaster services news, please visit www.disaster.salvationarmyusa.org and follow the EDS team on Twitter @SalArmyEDS.
