• Thad Hicks

Emergency Feeding Service Continues in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico (11/28/2017) - The Salvation Army is continuing its lifesaving work across the Island of Puerto Rico, actively seeking out and serving individuals following the devastating hurricane two months ago.  Its continued mission has it working hand in hand with government and other no-governmental organizations to reach those missed by previous food distributions. 

The Salvation Army has utilized innovative methods to reach the most remote parts of the island.  With a few staff members and dedicated disaster volunteers, The Salvation Army is continuing to push large numbers of meals out to untouched portions of the island.  This past Saturday the team delivered over 20,000 meals and 16,000 bottles of water to those still in desperate need of assistance.  The Salvation Army’s Operations Chief, Mike Shiffler added, “I have learned that team work, will power, improvisation, and boldness make an explosive combination and any set-backs should be linked to that specific mindset.” 

The Salvation Army’s work includes the delivery of food and water, with emotional care to those experiencing the psychological and spiritual impacts of surviving a devastating Hurricane.  The Salvation Army was on the island long before the hurricane and rode the storm out with their communities.  According to the mission of The Salvation Army, they are not going anywhere, and will remain serving long after the damages are cleaned up. 
