• Cindy Fuller

Joy in a Donut

Tulsa, Oklahoma (June 7, 2019) – The Arkansas-Oklahoma Division of The Salvation Army celebrated National Donut Day on Friday, June 7 during disaster relief efforts.   As canteens (mobile feeding units) were loaded with meals, hydration, and snacks, they also received donuts to hand out to flood survivors, volunteers, and those assisting in the affected neighborhoods

American Salvation lassies set sail for France on August 12, 1917, determined to bring comfort to the soldiers in the rain-soaked trenches of France.  The thought was some real home cooking might help.  Unfortunately, most of the supplies had run out, except some flour, sugar, lard, baking powder, cinnamon, and canned milk.  They had everything they needed to make donuts!

It was only a matter of time and a Salvation Army “Lassie” handed the first freshly cooked donut to a homesick doughboy.   Word spread quickly “If you’re hungry or broke, you can go get something to eat at The Salvation Army.  Before too long, 2,500 – 9,000 donuts a day were served to troops on the front lines.  Donuts have been served to servicemen and servicewomen ever since.  

Friday provided a unique opportunity to serve donuts on our modern-day front lines during disaster services.  The difference is those working on the front lines in Arkansas and Oklahoma are doing muck-out and clean-up after devastating floods.

Donut Lassies have been remembered for showing compassion to thousands of troops.  To this day, donuts symbolize The Salvation Army’s readiness to help in times of need in whatever way they can.  Even in the most difficult of circumstances, donuts were handed out today by crews who were there to offer a piece of joy in the form of a donut.  To learn more about the history of National Donut Day, visit salar.my/donut19.

For the latest emergency disaster services news from The Salvation Army, follow the social feed on Twitter at @salarmyeds or visit disaster.salvationarmyusa.org.
