• Stephanie Chastain

The Stone House That Saved Her Neighborhood

Bernardsville, NC - Ms. Jan’s house, nestled in the peaceful valley of Stoney Creek, was built by her grandfather over 90 years ago. Crafted from stones pulled from the very creek that still flows gently behind her home, the house was built by hand—stone by stone, a labor of love and endurance. Over the years, the sturdy stone structure has stood the test of time, weathering countless storms and seasons.

When Hurricane Helene unleashed its fury, the streams feeding into Stoney Creek swelled beyond their banks. Whitewater rapids, spanning 30 feet across, roared down the valley. As if the rising floodwaters weren't enough, a week of relentless rain triggered a massive landslide further up the mountain. The cascading floodwaters, combined with rocks, dirt, and debris from the landslide, formed a powerful force that barreled toward Ms. Jan's home.

In its path, houses were swept from their foundations, and cars, trees, and scrap metal were carried along in the rushing current. But when the detritus slammed into Ms. Jan’s stone house, the force stopped. Her house, with its solid stone walls, stood firm, halting the destruction that threatened the rest of her neighborhood.

Though the storm left its mark, with a few missing rocks on the house’s corner and some mud in the basement, the structure remained intact, standing strong as a protector. Ms. Jan’s home acted as a buffer, sparing the other homes downriver from certain devastation. Thanks to clean-up crews, the debris has been cleared, and the creek once again flows peacefully behind the house.

Her stone house, a lasting legacy of her grandfather’s craftsmanship, became the unexpected hero of the storm, protecting a neighborhood in its greatest hour of need.

Psalm 18:2 - "The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold."
